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We believe in God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God the Father is the Creator and the One who continues to provide for the creation. Jesus Christ, God the Son, is fully divine and fully human and is the Redeemer of human beings and Reconciler of all things. God the Holy Spirit is the one who strengthens and sustains human beings in their following of Jesus Christ.

We believe that Jesus Christ was God incarnate in human flesh, fully divine and fully human. His life was an example to us of what it means to follow God’s way – living a life of love and loyalty to God. Jesus died on the cross to bring forgiveness and reconciliation to human beings and the whole of creation. God the Father raised Jesus to life again, proving that the forces of destruction do not win and that God’s kingdom of peace and hope, justice, and love is being built.  

We believe that human beings were made in the image of God so that their lives are of immeasurable worth. Even though human beings were made to be in relationship with God, we broke relationship with God through our self-centered and destructive treatment of the creation, other people, ourselves, and God. But in deep love, Jesus Christ came to offer us reconciliation with God, ourselves, other people, and the creation – that we might be who we were created to be. For we are God’s handiwork made for the purpose of doing good in the world to the glory of God. 

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We believe that God the Holy Spirit has come to be with God’s people to strengthen us in our following of Jesus, that is our discipleship. The Holy Spirit reveals God to us, calls us into relationship with God in Jesus Christ and gives us resources and gifts to live lives following Jesus. The Holy Spirit’s gifts help us to join God in what God is doing in the world.    

We believe the Bible tells us the story of God’s working in the world. As the song says, “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” The Bible points us to Jesus Christ. The Bible also teaches us the patterns and practices of living a life following Jesus Christ. 

We believe God calls God’s people into the Church to be a community serving God. People of every tribe and language, of every race and ethnicity, of every political persuasion and economic background, are drawn together into one body. The church in its diversity becomes a symbol of what it means to live at peace with one another, despite very real differences, a unity rooted in the fact that Jesus Christ is the only Head and Lord of the church.   

We believe that the full revealing of God’s kingdom is yet to be accomplished. A day is coming when all things will be set right, a day when Jesus will come again in great glory and awesome majesty and be recognized as the king through whom the whole of creation is being restored to what it was meant to be.  

We believe that human beings’ highest purpose is to glorify God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and to enjoy relationship with God forever.

For more information on the Presbyterian Church  please click here.

For more information on the Presbyterian Church
please click here.